Home / Incredible / Scientists have uncovered the mystery of “transparency” of the Universe

Scientists have uncovered the mystery of “transparency” of the Universe

Ученые раскрыли тайну "прозрачности" ВселеннойScientists have observed the radiation of galaxies 11.5 billion light-years from Earth.

The universe became transparent to us and other potential of its inhabitants due to the ionization of inventory of hydrogen emission of young stars.

This is stated in an article in the Astrophysical Journal.

After the Big Bang, the Universe was total darkness. When lit the first stars, the darkness dissipated not immediately. Scientists call these the “dark ages” in her life the era of reionization.

The existence of such a period was podtverjdeno telescopes, but the mechanism of the “enlightenment” of the Universe remains a subject of debate among cosmologists.

Cosmologist Naveen Reddy of the University of California and his colleagues approached the answer to this question, looking at nearly a thousand recently opened the first galaxies of the Universe using the Keck telescope.

As the scientists explain, one of the main reasons for disputes about the role of stars and black holes in the “enlightenment” of the Universe is that of the amount of dust in the first galaxies is almost unknown.

Cosmic dust absorbs ultraviolet light, x-rays and other types of “short” waves, which interferes with the determination of how much such radiation is produced by the first galaxies.

The science team Reddy has found a way to calculate this indicator for galaxies, distant from us $ 11.5 billion light years or more, observing the ultraviolet part of the spectrum of these star clusters over a very long period of time, seven hours or more.

Comparing the brightness of different lines in the ultraviolet part of the spectrum of these galaxies, scientists have determined how much “red” radiation of their stars because of the dust, and found that in fact these galaxies is produced approximately two times more ultraviolet light and x-rays than the conventional model of analysis of their radiation.

This means that the photons of these radiation types more likely to fall into the interstellar medium and faster ionized hydrogen than previously thought.

They collected data and built on their basis a model that allows to calculate the rate of ionization of gas in ancient galaxies as you think Reddy and his colleagues, will help cosmologists to understand how the universe is “shone” actually is and “who” was this “blame” – stars, black holes, or both.

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