Home / Incredible / Scientists have proved the importance of algae for the world’s climate

Scientists have proved the importance of algae for the world’s climate

Ученые доказали значимость морских водорослей для мирового климата Danish biologists were able to prove the importance of algae for the world’s climate.

Algae growing on the stones of the seabed, perform important tasks for the entire World ocean.

The group of biologists from Denmark failed to prove that marine algae is a likeness of a rainforest. That is how forests act as a regulator of CO2 on the surface, also algae regulate the content of the gas under water. Perhaps Krause-Jensen, head of this research study, noted that he and his colleagues had to collect and process more than one hundred scientific papers on the subject, to prove the importance of marine algae.

The ability of algae to regulate the content of CO2 gas under water scientists proved mathematically.

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