Home / Medicine / Scientists have named the fruit, which saves you from hangovers

Scientists have named the fruit, which saves you from hangovers

Ученые назвали фрукт, который спасает от похмельяThe simplest hangover cure.

Despite the fact that there are new trendy hangover remedies are supposedly able to prevent nausea and headache the next day, sometimes the simple things work best.

“Believe it or not, but there are tools that can influence the content of decomposition products of ethanol in the blood after ingestion of alcohol” — says Professor Manny Noakes, Director of the Commonwealth scientific and industrial research organization (Australia).

A team of researchers from Australia came across an interesting information, exploring the effects of pear. It is known that this fruit contains many valuable nutrients, especially potassium and fiber and helps lower cholesterol. But according to the latest data revealed that pears can reduce the harmful effects of drinking, they exhibit anti-inflammatory properties that can reduce the symptoms of a hangover.

There is however one catch: it only works if you are drinking pear juice before drinking alcohol. There was found no evidence that it will help after consuming alcohol.

In addition to pears, faster to dispose of the alcohol in the body and helps the asparagus, the researchers note. The researchers found that the amino acids in the composition of asparagus prevent organ damage due to exposure to toxic byproducts of ethanol.

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