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Six common myths about hangover

Шесть распространенных мифов о похмельеDoctors have debunked the most common myths about the hangover condition.

Good music, nice company and alcohol. You well and therefore you do not notice, how much time to drink. By the time when you pay attention to it, as a rule, drunk too much already.

The next day you regret your actions, because you suffer from a hard hangover. Severe headache, nausea, and dry mouth are some of the symptoms of this unpleasant phenomenon.

If you have ever suffered from a hangover, your friends have probably given you a bunch of tips on how to prevent it. But is this advice effective?..

Dehydration – the cause of hangovers

Indeed, if you drink a lot of alcohol, you can get dehydrated due to the fact that alcohol often causes you to go to the toilet. However, dehydration in itself is not the cause of hangover. After large quantities of alcohol you can drink a lot of water, but it will not save you from a hangover in the morning. A hangover occurs as a consequence of several factors, mainly due to a sharp decline in blood sugar, stomach irritation, and poor quality of sleep and dilatation (volume increase) of the blood vessels.

Therefore, the glass of water on the night after the party will help you quench your thirst, but will not save you from a hangover.

A hangover is only after large quantities of alcohol

Drink a lot of alcohol in a short time, definitely one of the most reliable ways to secure a hangover. However, it is not necessary to drink a lot to suffer from a hangover. Some people have a hangover, you may receive even very small amounts of alcohol. What is the reason?

Whether you have a hangover depends on many factors, including your weight and gender. If a man can drink 5-7 servings of alcohol, the woman will need 3-5 servings to achieve the same effect. In addition, your ethnicity can also affect the propensity for hangover. The Japanese, for example, are more likely to suffer from a hangover after small amounts of alcohol because their bodies are genetically less able to break down acetaldehyde, the main by-product alcohol.

If you are prone to migraines, you are more likely to get a hangover. Those who drink alcohol regularly are less likely to get drunk and suffer a hangover in the morning.

From wine or beer there is no hangover

Many people believe that the use of alcoholic beverages happens to be less hangover than hard liquor. The same applies to beliefs that cannot be tone down, and we can only improve.

First, it is possible to drink any kind of alcohol, whether beer, wine or vodka. And no matter in what order you consume alcohol, it is important only the total amount of alcohol that goes into your body. It is worth remembering also that:

Red wine has tannins, which can provoke the development of headache. Therefore, the likelihood of a hangover after drinking red wine is higher than, for example, after the tequila.

Some types of alcohol, for example, malt whiskey, also tend to cause headaches. Clear liquors such as vodka or gin, in this respect, there are more than sparing.

We should all start drinking weaker drinks, so you drink less than if you start drinking immediately with spirits.

Eating, you will not get a hangover

If only it were true. It would be great to be able to drink as much as you want and not have any hangover with a hearty dinner.

In some cases, food can actually help you to prevent a hangover. But for this you need to start eating before you start drinking. Fatty foods suitable for these purposes best of all.

A cold shower and black coffee will relieve you from a hangover

You really can feel better, taking a cold shower and drinking a Cup of black coffee after a “stormy” night. But this does not relieve you from a hangover. Furthermore, coffee can only increase the hangover and exacerbate dehydration due to its diuretic effect.

The alcohol will remove the hangover

In medieval times people believed that if you were bitten by a dog, the dog’s coat, applied to the wound will help you heal. At about this time people began to believe that a little bit of alcohol will relieve you from a hangover.

Unfortunately, this statement is not entirely accurate. If you drink a bit of alcohol, you will not have a hangover. Not immediately in any case. Hangover may appear later, when the alcohol level in the blood starts to fall. At some point, most likely the hangover will haunt you. Small doses of alcohol you only postpone it for a while.

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