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Named products that stop inflammatory processes

Названы продукты, останавливающие воспалительные процессы The inflammatory process in the body can be part of the normal immune response of the body.

He uses inflammatory process in different situations, for example, without it is impossible the healing. Bad habits related to work stress, environmental pollution and, of course, food, together or separately, can lead to systemic or chronic inflammation in the body. This condition is serious because it often gives impetus to the development of heart disease, cancer, autoimmune diseases, chronic pain, etc. Fortunately, there are many supported by the science options to cope with inflammatory processes in the body. For example, anti-inflammatory properties have certain foods, but rather, the active substances which they contain.We present to Your attention the 8 most powerful (and delicious!) anti-inflammatory foods that prevent or help to overcome the inflammatory process.

Anti-inflammatory effect have the following products

The power of the ginger lies not only in taste and aroma, it contains strong anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds – gingerols. Therefore, this anti-inflammatory product shows excellent results in relieving pain and improving a person’s mobility through inflammation.

A bright yellow spice is highly revered in Eastern medicine and its anti-inflammatory effect in strength can be compared with the ibuprofen. Only, unlike the latter, turmeric is not toxic to the body.

Coconut oil
To use this anti-inflammatory product for cooking – great idea. Lauric acid, studies show, provides anti-inflammatory effect of coconut oil. But this is not the only substance of coconut oil, which helps to suppress the inflammatory processes in the body. Omega-3 fatty acids are also quite effective in this case.

Walnuts is not only a valuable snack and good for the brain. These strong sources of vitamins and minerals (and the most useful to them is a bitter skin) perfect to protect the body from dangerous inflammatory processes and also can reduce the risk of prostate cancer and breast.

Fatty fish
When it comes to omega-3 fatty acids that comes to mind is the salmon – it is called the king of omega-3. But do not forget that less expensive and more available in our region herring is not much inferior to a salmon the content of omega-3 fatty acids. However, it should be noted that fish bred in artificial conditions, does not contain the necessary amounts of omega-3 fatty acids. Also remember that these acids are easily destroyed under high temperatures, so cooking the fish you want slowly and exposed to lower temperatures.

A list of anti-inflammatory foods will not be complete without the inclusion of berries: blackberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries and cranberries. Possess anti-inflammatory properties flavonoids, which are antioxidants and “a handful” in the skin of berries.

Cruciferous vegetables
Simply put, it’s the cabbage – all kinds of cabbage, You know. Vitamins C and E along with antioxidants reduces oxidative stress, estrogenic activity, protecting against inflammation and preventing chronic diseases.

Available to all beet – all badalanova bomb. Betalain have powerful antioxidant, detoxifying and anti-inflammatory effect. They inhibit cyclooxygenase, which is Pro-inflammatory, and help the body recover from inflammatory processes at the cellular level.

As you can see, anti-inflammatory properties have many of the foods we used to eat. To be healthy is simple!

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