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Scientists have invented two new superconductor

Ученые изобрели два новых сверхпроводникаChinese scientists have discovered that new compounds based on iron have the properties of superconductors.

Recently, physicists from China have revealed hyperprolactinaemia in two completely new compounds based on iron – СsEuFe4As4 and RbEuFe4As4. They are interesting because in addition to hiperpotasemia transition in the ferromagnetic substances occurs and settlement, while it is generally assumed that these two properties inhibit each other.

Superconductors are substances that are able to fall to values, experimentally indistinguishable from zero. They are used in the manufacture of powerful magnets for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the large hadron Collider. In everyday life their use is not possible because the cooling of these substances need liquid helium or nitrogen. This is why scientists are still looking for new hyperproteic in the hope of finding compounds having a critical temperature close to room.

In the new opening, the authors first noted hyperprolactinaemia in two, unknown before, the compounds (СsEuFe4As4 and RbEuFe4As4) . Moreover, scientists have indicated that below the transition temperature hiperpotasemia is 35.2 and 36.5 K ferromagnetic ordering occurs which does not destroy hyperprolactinaemia.

However, scientists argue that these data are preliminary, and the exact proof you need to conduct some experiments, and in particular, to grow single-crystal samples. At the moment, managed to obtain these compounds only in the form of powders

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