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Scientists have found, what time are born geniuses

Ученые выяснили, в какое время рождаются генииThe researchers calculated the appropriate days and hours

Scientists have conducted a very interesting and productive research experiment that showed what day of the week and how much a woman can give birth not just of a child and real genius.

The main criterion of the study was the solar activity that can impact the health and development of the fetus in the womb.
The study-the experiment involved 700 women who are moms of extraordinary children.

Scientists have found that most geniuses or those who have high level of mental activity, born Tuesday, Wednesday and Saturday.

In addition, the researchers found an approximate time when the light appears a child is a genius. These children are born in the morning from 5 to 9 hours, and in the evening from 19 to 22 hours.

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