Home / Incredible / Scientists have found the oldest in the world stone map

Scientists have found the oldest in the world stone map

Ученые нашли самую старую в мире каменную картуThe oldest map in the history of humanity was found by a group of archaeologists. It is made from a stone age five thousand years.

Scientists report that on the map are forests and fields.

A stone with a length of six inches, it is dated 2 700 – 2 900 years BC. The pictures for the oldest in the world map of canadaskin the archaeologists were able to find it among the other artifacts found on the island of Bornholm. The last is in the South-Western Baltic sea.

The scientists also found ritual stones on which was depicted the Sun. Flemming Kaul, one of the scientists, says that the scratches on the stone were not accidents.

For example, one of them can mean corn on the cob. Experts have long believed that first settled here 3500 million years ago BC.

Archeologists found such maps in the history of the development.

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