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Scientists have found that when women have age coming

Ученые выяснили, когда у женщин наступает старость Scientists from the U.S. found that when women receive an old age.

Studies show that the aging process is a result of individual genetic coding, so as to give a generalized outcome.

As advised by the wisdom of the people, to evaluate how it will look in a woman after reaching a certain age, you need to look at her mother. The Council scientists used in the new study. At the moment it is not just about the theoretical calculations and experiments are actually finished with genetics.

For more accurate information was selected women whose age was 19-90 years. For this reason, failed to evaluate the set of genes that leads to a “switching” function of aging. Researchers continue to work on deciphering the received data and promise in the coming decades to find a way to counter the mechanisms of aging.

Today the genome of people are partially “read”. But researchers are advised to continue to take care of your health, eat right and pay attention to exercising, try to stay positive people. This will allow you to look younger at any age, add scientists.

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