Home / Incredible / Scientists have found a new treatment of epilepsy

Scientists have found a new treatment of epilepsy

Ученые нашли новый метод лечения эпилепсииScientists have found new methods to combat epileptic seizures in people of different ages, the experiments were carried out on mice.

Scientists from the U.S. and China, after a joint research, found new methods of blocking seizures in people of all ages. The experiments were conducted on animals, on mice.

Scientists had previously known that predisposition to epilepsy is found in children of pubertal age. It turned out that in this age produced the receptors in the GABA group, which reduce the excitability of nervous activity and inhibit the activity of neurons in the hippocampus. After that, an epileptic seizure is terminated.

As a result of researches it was found that mice who had these receptors suffered 3-4 times less from epilepsy than the control group. We can conclude that drugs that contain the α4βδ receptor is from the group of GABA will be able to remove the attacks. This opens new possibilities for treatment and therapy of people suffering from this disease.

It should be noted that patients with epilepsy still stigmatizing and it is difficult to fit into society, and until 1970 in the United Kingdom had laws forbidding marriages with people living with epilepsy. New treatment can solve this problem

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