Home / Incredible / Scientists have figured out how much useful information can be extracted from the Universe

Scientists have figured out how much useful information can be extracted from the Universe

Ученые выяснили, сколько полезной информации можно извлечь из ВселеннойIt became known how much information can give the existing methods of studying the Universe.

Researchers from South Africa and Canada conducted a study in which tried to establish how much cosmological information can measure employees under the existing methods of observation.

In their work the researchers evaluated the relationship information that is extracted in space observations, to noise. The Gaussian noise was considered, and the amount of information extracted per unit of time, unchanged (up to a small factor).

Assessment of the relationship of useful information to useless (noise), which was obtained by scientists in the course of the study, does not exceed ten in the seventh degree.

As the researchers note, in the near future the number obtained through astronomical observations of information will not grow.

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