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Scientists have discovered why ancient people survived the Neanderthals

Ученые выяснили, почему древние люди пережили неандертальцевThe ancient people could produce clothing that recalls the parks of the modern peoples of the North.

Scientists said that the ability to sew more quality warm clothing allowed modern people to gain an advantage over the Neanderthals.

The research results were published in the Journal of Anthropological Archaeology.

Modern people appeared in Europe, which was inhabited by Neanderthals, about 42 thousand years ago, during the ice age. After some time, the Neanderthals died out, the reasons for which researchers are still unknown. Now, scientists have analyzed archaeological excavations, which relate to the skills of tailoring of warm clothes, and made a list of the families of the animals whose skins were used in the manufacture of warm clothing and compared the occurrence of their remains in the settlements of ancient people and Neanderthals.

Scientists have determined that the pelts used both kinds of people.However, in the settlements of the people of the modern type were significantly more likely to find representatives Zaitsev, canids and mustelids, whose fur is perfect to trim clothing. 56 of them are found bones of wolverines, the skins of which are still used by the peoples of the Arctic.

As the researchers note, the fur of wolverines is ideal for the manufacture of collar parks. That the ancient people could produce elaborate clothing that resembles the parks of the modern peoples of the North, indicate also found bone sewing needles and scrapers for currying, which in Neanderthal sites were found.

According to scientists, Neanderthals were able to use skins as simple capes, which are much worse protect from the cold. The advantage is clothes can provide people today far more expansion in the North and longer duration daily activity, and hence more extensive food resources.

In addition, the warm clothes helped to warm up the children who were more vulnerable to the cold.

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