Home / Incredible / Scientists have discovered a black hole in the galaxy Saga mass of 4 million Suns

Scientists have discovered a black hole in the galaxy Saga mass of 4 million Suns

Ученые обнаружили черную дыру в галактике Сага массой 4 млн СолнцScientists have recorded a weak signal in comparison with black holes in other galaxies.

Scientists during the observation of space objects has determined that the supermassive black hole in the galaxy Saga has about 4 million solar masses of material, which should be studied.

Experts have recorded a weak signal in comparison with black holes in other galaxies.

Scientists have concluded that the object is a substance which is not heated to extreme temperatures, so do not direct intense jets of charged particles. The signal is so weak due to the fact that the hole is located at a distance of about 25 thousand light years from Earth. Through infrared and x-ray radiation experts were able to penetrate through the protective material of a black hole to examine the stored materials.

Signals fall on the disc around the object, heat it with the result that charged particles are activated. Experts say that the first step in the study of black holes is very significant for science. He explains the processes that occur in the middle of the object, and beyond.

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