Home / Incredible / Scientists have denied the existence of the axis of evil in the Universe

Scientists have denied the existence of the axis of evil in the Universe

Ученые опровергли существование оси зла во ВселеннойIn space there is no “axis of evil” (axis of evil) — the direction in which mostly line up of the galaxy and other objects.

Researchers from University College London has proved the validity of the cosmological principle. According to the latter, in space there is no “axis of evil” (axis of evil) — the direction in which mostly line up of the galaxy and other objects.

The cosmological principle says that every observer in the Universe, wherever he may be, must see the same picture of the distribution of matter, in other words, space is the same everywhere. The theory has its limitations, since the existence of stars and galaxies demonstrates that the universe is not homogeneous on a small scale. These density variations were born from quantum fluctuations shortly after the Big Bang.

However, some theories suggest that the Universe is also possible to highlight the areas of distribution of the substance. To prove or disprove them, scientists are using the supercomputer analyzed data on relict (background) radiation, obtained by the space Observatory Planck.

Cosmologists have checked several fairness assumptions, for example, that the expansion of the Universe occurs along certain axes. In this case waves of the background radiation coming from different directions, would differ in their length. According to another hypothesis, if the universe is distorted by gravitational waves that occurred during her birth, then one of the axes of the space would be compressed and the other elongated. It would leave traces in the background radiation in the form of complex spirals.

It is established that the probability that the universe is anisotropic (i.e. it can distinguish direction), is 121 thousand. According to scientists, this figure proves the validity of the cosmological principle, and it is a solid Foundation for the existing models of the evolution of the Universe.

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