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Scientists found out why the night sky is black

Ученые узнали, почему ночью небо черное NASA scientists have solved the mystery of the black sky at night

According to them, it’s all about cosmic dust obscuring the star light.

As told to the Agency, all laws of logic, the sky at night should be about the same color as in the time of sunset, because in the Universe a huge number of stars that need to be highlighted.

Trying to unravel this mystery, which scientists have nicknamed Olbrei paradox, they speculated that the stars in the sky are not enough to cover all the celestial canvas at night. However, recently obtained from the Hubble telescope data disproved this theory. As it turned out, cosmic dust and gas cyclically absorb and release again of the star, causing the inhabitants of the Earth and the sky looks black.

Scientists also noted that according to the latest data, the Universe of galaxies is enough that the sky was bright even in the night time, however, the gas and cosmic dust, invisible to the human eye, don’t miss their light.

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