Home / Incredible / Scientists found a 30-inch tooth of an extinct whale killer

Scientists found a 30-inch tooth of an extinct whale killer

Ученые нашли 30-сантиметровый зуб вымершего кита-убийцыThe whale weighed about 40 tons.

Australian banks discovered the 30-centimeter tooth of an extinct sperm whale killer.

Previously, scientists could not detect any remains of the extinct killer sperm whales outside of North and South America.

Scientists say that the discovery of approximately 5 million years. According to archaeologists, the sperm whales-killer of this species reaches 18 m in length and weighed about 40 tons. “The size of these sperm whales were more tyrannosaurs, scientists.

If modern sperm whales prey mainly on cephalopods, ancient sperm whales-killers often had Breakfast hunt larger prey such as whales.

Scientists say that the found tooth was preserved not completely, but it belonged, most likely, the sperm whale, who died at a young age.

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