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Scientists: dark energy exists

Ученые: темная энергия существуетDark energy accounts for about 70 percent of the mass of the Universe.

Astronomers observing distant galaxies, were able to prove the theory of the existence of dark energy, a mysterious substance that causes the Universe to rapidly expand.

This is stated in the article of the journal Physical Review Letters.

In the Universe, except the visible matter which makes up galaxies, planets and stars, there are invisible types of matter is gas inside galaxies, the dark matter holding the stars, and the dark energy driving galaxies away from each other at an accelerated pace.

The proportion of dark matter is about 25 percent of the mass of the Universe, dark energy accounts for about 70 percent, while the share of visible matter 5 percent.

As scholars have noted, despite the fact that virtually nothing is known about dark energy and dark matter, and one other form of “dark” substances exist.

In order to prove it, scientists had to calculate the mass of several millions of galaxies and their clusters, as well as their rate of divergence. The calculations of scientists showed that the reason for their divergences is the dark matter.

If astrophysicists can not find other more direct evidence confirming the existence or absence of dark energy, the clarity to this controversial issue can make a new orbiting telescopes that will be launched in the thirties of this century.

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