Home / Incredible / Scientists are greatly mistaken in the number of galaxies of the visible Universe

Scientists are greatly mistaken in the number of galaxies of the visible Universe

Ученые сильно ошибались в количестве галактик видимой ВселеннойA patch of the Universe which we can see from Earth actually contains a 10, sometimes 20 times more galaxies.

Using the space telescope “Hubble” and data collected by other observatories, scientists have finally completed the most accurate at the moment, the count of galaxies in the observable Universe. Even if you do not go into specific figures, we can conclude that humanity is very much mistaken in the number of these galaxies.

New calculations indicate that the observable universe – the portion of the Universe which we can see from Earth and near-earth orbit, is actually contains a 10, sometimes 20 times more galaxies than previously thought. If we talk about approximate numbers, it is about something average between one and two trillion galaxies. Recent reports talked about a much more modest amount – about 100 billion. This, in turn, forces us to reconsider the amount contained in the visible Universe stars. Now we are talking about approximately 700 sextillion (7 with 23 zeroes).

And this is only the observable universe. As space since its emergence around 13.8 billion years ago is constantly expanding, the exact size of the Universe is unknown to us, and therefore we can see not all of its objects. Our visible universe is a kind of invisible ball. All that is beyond, for us unknown. The thing is that light from nearby objects simply has not had time to us. In General, it is very difficult (if not impossible) to know how many are actually galaxies beyond our observation capabilities.

Come to new figures from the international group of astronomers working under the direction of Christopher Conselice the University of Nottingham, has helped the image of deep space received by the telescope “Hubble”, as well as analysis of data collected by other astronomers. On the basis of the images the researchers created three-dimensional model that allowed the scientists to provide accurate estimates of the number of galaxies at different stages in the history of the Universe.

Scientists have found that the early universe was literally sown with myriads of tiny galaxies that, together with other such tiny galaxies, began to form the larger galaxies that we can observe today. The results of the latest scientific research, which will be published in the Astrophysical journal, suggests that we do not see even a small part of what there is in the Universe.

“Just imagine, more than 90 percent of the galaxies of the Universe we’ve never seen. Who knows what amazing discoveries await us with the commissioning of the telescopes of the new generations!”, comments of Consoles.

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