Home / Incredible / Scientists are close to solving the mystery of the Bermuda triangle

Scientists are close to solving the mystery of the Bermuda triangle

Ученые близки к разгадке тайны Бермудского треугольникаThe hexagonal clouds form over the ocean can create turbulent flows.

Scientists have said that found a possible explanation for the existence of the anomalous zone South of Miami, known as the Bermuda triangle. At the moment we know about the disappearance, at least a thousand people, 75 aircraft and hundreds of ships.
According to researchers, the clouds of hexagonal shapes that appear over the ocean, play the role of “bombs”. Exploding over the Bermuda triangle, these clouds take shape a powerful air flow towards the ocean. The interaction of atmospheric waves, according to scientists, leads to the formation of turbulent zones, where we can get the planes and ships.

With the Bermuda triangle, the apex of which is located in Florida, Bermuda and Puerto Rico, the associated legends of the traceless disappearance of ships and aircraft. Possible anomaly, the presence of which is not universally accepted by scientists, is explained in various ways, including difficult weather conditions and the influence of aliens.

Earlier, the Norwegian archaeologists confirm the veracity of one of the events described in “the Saga of Sverrir” – Norse chronicle, which tells about the events of 1177 – 1202. During excavations in the city of Trondheim scientists have discovered the skeleton of a man in an abandoned well.

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