Home / Photo report / Scientists have unraveled the phenomenon of the Bermuda triangle. Photo

Scientists have unraveled the phenomenon of the Bermuda triangle. Photo

Ученые разгадали феномен Бермудского треугольника. ФотоThe Bermuda triangle is one of the most dysfunctional in the entire Atlantic ocean.

Here the long-lost ships, and later planes. Skeptics quite reasonably say that the Devil’s triangle threat for very earthly reasons: navigation in the region is very difficult, there are many shoals, and storms and cyclones originate immediately and destroy pilots and sailors. However, logic is logic, but how to explain that here lost more ships and aircraft than in any other part of the World ocean.

A group of American meteorologists conducted a study, able in one fell swoop to close the mysterious story of Bermuda triangle. Scientists claim that the problem is solved — let’s try to understand a little bit more.

Ученые разгадали феномен Бермудского треугольника. Фото

Meteorologist Steve Miller from Colorado state University nearly a dozen years spent on the study of weather conditions in the area of the Bermuda triangle. Together with specialists from the local coast guard, Miller has developed a rather bold theory. He suggested that the danger area gives a kind of aerial anomaly and gathered his own group to test your logical calculations in field research.

Ученые разгадали феномен Бермудского треугольника. Фото

Help from above
The idea is to look for air anomaly for the Steve Miller gave a thorough analysis of satellite images. Modern optics has allowed to make the maximum increase meteorologist spotted over the anomalous area strange clouds strict hexagonal shape.

Ученые разгадали феномен Бермудского треугольника. Фото

Air explosions
Such a strange shape helps to make clouds by himself the Atlantic ocean. Warm water waves are produced which evaporates in cold air giving him a kind of frame. Hexagonal clouds, according to Miller, some time drifting over the Bermuda triangle. Then the clouds explode, forming a powerful flow of air.

Ученые разгадали феномен Бермудского треугольника. Фото

Attack from above
These kinds of threads is that the anomalous cause of death of dozens of planes and ships. From the explosion of a powerful gust of wind down to the ocean. The interaction of atmospheric waves leads to the formation of strong turbulence, out of which the human technology there is no way.

Ученые разгадали феномен Бермудского треугольника. Фото

In addition, if the wind is strong enough, he can hit on the surface of the ocean and cause a huge wave, up to 40 meters. Team Miller met with one such giant in the open ocean — luckily, the wave passed by. This was another fact, really supporting the theory of the researchers about the air bombs.

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