Home / Money / Scandalous fee for the overhaul I want to cancel and to pass on to investors

Scandalous fee for the overhaul I want to cancel and to pass on to investors

Scandalous fee for the overhaul I want to cancel and to pass on to investors

The state Duma has proposed a bill that makes municipal requisitions are not mandatory


The deputies have proposed a new way of raising money for capital repairs of apartment buildings the Russian. According to the authors of the bill developed by the Committee on housing and housing policy of the state Duma, the repair will be able to pay investors interested in home remodeling. In this case, the entrepreneurs will have the opportunity to build a place for yourself or resale, and tenants will be exempt from monthly contributions.


Скандальный взнос за капремонт хотят отменить и переложить на инвесторов
photo: Mikhail Kovalev

We are not talking about full on the exemption from contributions for capital repairs, but only to “freeze” for a few years. So if the repair of the investor was carried out ahead of schedule, charging will resume when the date is past the scheduled overhaul. While the Housing code now allow residents of apartment buildings to attract investors for the reconstruction of their homes. He can finish the attic or attached to the house extension, and then these “extra” square meters to sell. But while the residents there is no additional incentive to cooperate with business and to agree on the adaptation.

Read more about the new bill, already submitted for consideration deputies, “MK” told the first Deputy Chairman of the Committee on housing policy and housing and communal services of state Duma Elena Nikolaeva:

What’s the benefit of residents and investors who will undertake the repair at home?

– The interest of residents is obvious: they have an opportunity to spend capimont in the house at the expense of funds of others, and to deliver himself from the obligation to pay contributions for capital repairs for the period of reserve maintenance periods. And investors are interested to build a new improwed while lowering their costs of construction. For example, to build on a couple of floors in homes with flat roofs, in particular, in buildings, or to build an attic in homes with sloping roofs. Such houses there are, including, in the center of Moscow. Thus, the developer helps out good funds at a significantly lower cost than if it built a new housing from scratch. Therefore, investors will find themselves.

But it may happen that the extension to the house then will turn into continuous suffering for its inhabitants?

– The investor shall take any actions only in accordance with permits for reconstruction. The reconstruction project must be coordinated with the tenants, they control the construction at all stages.

– When the scheme of receipts of rent lost line repaired?

– Citizens cease to allocate money for major repairs in that time, when the regional operator will agree on the act of acceptance executed works. After approval of the act, he immediately notifies all stakeholders, including the highest Executive body of the subject, which in turn makes changes to the regional program.

– What will happen to the money that citizens have already managed to list?

– Money will not disappear and remain on the account or the owners, or a regional operator. If the funds are held by regional operator – they will go in payment for the next overhaul, which will be conducted not at the expense of the investor. If they have accumulated at the individual account – citizens are free to decide: they can either keep the money for future major repairs and to co-Finance the ongoing reconstruction, if they have any special requests.

Experts appreciated the idea of deputies with the sign “plus”. In particular, the head of the housing sector of the urban economy Institute Irina Gentsler reminded that the Russians, when not to pay for the repair impossible. Therefore any loopholes that reduce the monthly cost to residents. But here we must understand that the investor for repairing some of the “Khrushchev” will not. His interest is to attach it to the building that can then be sold or rented out. According to Gensler for residents of the best option if construction will be carried out on the upper floors. Then, the entrepreneur will have to change tubes, to repair the roof. The only problem that homes that endure a couple of extra floors, in Russia not so much. This greatly limits the use of this “option”.

Nina Egorsheva

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