Home / Incredible / Sand storms intensify due to static electricity

Sand storms intensify due to static electricity

Песчаные бури усиливаются из-за статического электричестваAmerican scientists have shown that the intensity and duration of dust storms depends on static electricity.

Employees of the University of Michigan located in the United States, found that static electricity is making sandstorms more strong and long lasting.

The results of the study were published in the journal Science.

The scientists said that strong gusts of wind forced the dust particles move, colliding with each other. During this and produces static electricity which causes fine grains of sand to rise higher and move faster. After a while a storm gets strong enough, which makes the particles collide more often and form an electric field.

To confirm their assumptions, experts did a big study on lake Owens in California. This told the study author Nilton Intentionally.

Earlier, similar works were conducted by the staff of the National Institute of astrophysics in Naples (France). For their purposes, they used a weather station located on the South-East of Morocco. The results of this experiment published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters.

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