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Proven by scientists: after death a person has a chance to rise again

Доказано учеными: после смерти у человека есть шанс воскреснутьA scientist from America Robert Paul Lanza suggested that after death man enters into a different space and have a chance for resurrection.

To prove such scientist was able with the help of the theory of biocentrism. Robert Paul Lanza is an expert in the field of regenerative medicine and biology.

Doctor of Sciences compared the human life growth process of the plant, which withers before release the flower. In proof of his hypothesis, the Professor used the theory of biocentrism.

The American Professor was known for his work with stem cells. Was among the first who performed the cloning of endangered animal species and in 2003, a cloned bull, with the help of skin cells of the animal, which died almost 25 years ago in one of the zoos in San Diego.

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