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Proved the origin of the moon because of the disaster on the Ground

Доказано происхождение Луны из-за катастрофы на ЗемлеThe moon was formed as a result of collision of Earth with a large body billions of years ago.

Researchers from Johns Hopkins University found evidence that the Moon formed as a result of Earth collision with a large body billions of years ago. According to them, traces of iron and other substances in the bowels of the Earth testify to the formation of the natural satellite of our planet from the wreckage. The results of the research of scientists published in the journal Nature Geoscience on Wednesday, September 28.

Geologists analyzed the data of seismic activity in the core and mantle of the Earth. They found a layer of iron, silicon, oxygen and other chemical elements with a thickness of hundreds of kilometers. The simulation results showed that after a collision with an object the size of Mars must remain a stable layer in the vicinity of the center of the planet.

The researchers used a tank filled with layers of immiscible liquids, including oil and water. In a series of 60 experiments, they were dumped in the container a saline solution or ethyl alcohol to simulate the collision and watched the subsequent processes. It was shown that the mixing depended on the volume of the liquid and its density. This meant that the detected layers in the Earth’s mantle could be formed due to an impact with a fairly large body.

The giant impact theory says that about four billion years ago the Earth collided with Theia the protoplanets. As a result, the part of the substance of the earth mantle and substance theis was thrown into orbit. From the wreckage was formed the proto-Moon.

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