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Varicose veins: symptoms and treatment of the disease

Варикоз: симптомы и лечение заболеванияVaricose veins is a disease which is partial to the fairer sex.

Varicose veins haunting humanity for a long time. The incidence in women is much more often – about 70% of all patients representatives of the fair sex.

And the reasons are many: not always correct respect to the feet during pregnancy, neglect of wearing compression hosiery, hormone replacement therapy, often used by women in pre – menopause.

Affects the tone of venous walls Smoking, wearing corsets, a close-fitting body, especially in the groin area of clothing, shoes with heels, and most importantly, prolonged standing and sitting. So if prolonged sitting is a mechanical compression of the veins running along the back of the thigh, and at the same time, the calf muscles do not participate in the reverse move blood from the extremities to the heart. In the prevention of varicose veins there is a rule to go and lie in a horizontal position is much better than the sit and stand.

It is very important in the prevention of the emergence and development of varicose veins – proper nutrition. And here there is a nuance: to prevent constipation! Straining significantly increases intra-abdominal pressure, which, spreading to the veins of the peritoneum and lower extremities, causes them to expand and cause the failure of venous valves. Therefore, the diet should be an abundance of plant foods that contain fiber, and are rich in vitamins C and PP, strengthening the walls of blood vessels.

The first symptoms of varicose veins when external (skin) changes still may not be:

• pain or cramps in the calf muscles, often occurring suddenly and sometimes so intense that the patient wakes up;
• fatigue of the lower limbs, sometimes easy pastosity in the area of legs and feet disappearing in the morning after rest in a horizontal position.

It is at this stage not to lose time, even when you can help yourself with conservative methods of treatment. Be sure to visit the doctor-phlebologist. He will appoint the necessary research that will objectively evaluate the haemodynamic status. Of the modern methods of diagnosis it is preferable Doppler ultrasound of lower limb veins and duplex angioscanning, as well as rheovasography of the lower extremities.

Therapy at this stage may be limited to the wearing of carefully selected size compression hosiery, therapeutic exercise and the application of phlebotonics.

If you, unfortunately, note the appearance on the skin not only spider veins, but different size and length varicose changed veins and knots feel itching, worse in the evening, the growth of pastoznost and swelling of the above conservative methods of treatment only temporarily bring relief.

At this stage of the disease their use is justified in two cases:
1. Use when preparing for surgical treatment.
2. In case of impossibility of surgical treatment of varicose veins.

Stopping compression sclerotherapy, note that it has strict indications. Conduct intervention is possible when varicose not complicated by the reflux (reverse reflux) of blood into the superficial veins from the deep veins through communication. In the initial stage also practiced the use of photocoagulation or laser treatment of telangiectasia. Radical surgery, when the removal shall be modified veins called phlebectomy.

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