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Fake Colonel

Fake Colonel: as friendship with the “Family” increases in the post … the Dirt always comes out unexpectedly. The other day I, without knowing it, got into a hornet’s nest. In the comments under the post about the Yeltsin family, in which I only have shared impressions about a particularly …

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Bathhouse with spiders: PARNAS writes “denunciations” on “Apple”

Very liberal, democratic, gumanisticheskaya, intelligent, tolerant, cultural and other, and other according to their supporters, the PARNAS party from the beginning of preparations for the elections to the State Duma, it seems, undertook to demonstrate to all around, how beautiful the words of our “opposition” with deeds. Moreover, they demonstrate …

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Die Welt: Russia returns to the status of a superpower

Since the resumption of Russian anti-terrorist campaign in Syria to the attention of the Western press, and the world community, dramatically changed the vector with the Eastern European political clowning taking place on the eve of the NATO summit on the course of military operations against militants of terrorist organizations …

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The Kremlin is throwing the Russians across the Kerch bridge

Published an interesting article about Kerch bridge, which in Russia is called construction of the century. The publication was prepared by members of the public organization “Proposer” Oleg Baturin and Dmitry Lizunov specially for the website of the international volunteer community InformNapalm. To build a bridge to Crimea, and went …

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How to find national idea. The end

Consider the German transatlantic airship 1939 of the “Hindenburg,” hydrogen content. Approximate parameters of such nebilet with an aluminum shell and a fabric impregnated with bubbles inside: diameter-40 m, length-400 m, engine power-3200 kW speed 120 km h, range -12000 km and a capacity of 93 people, or about 10-12 …

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How to find a national idea?

For Russia, the question of the national idea today is particularly acute and, probably, requires a national debate. If in the past centuries ordinary citizens of Russian and the Russian hinterland, the Northern and Siberian lands hardly felt the impact even of Moscow and St. Petersburg, today the situation has …

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Left alone doomed (Rostislav Ishchenko)

Policy — a system developing according to General rules of strategy, typical for such systems as chess and war. In the same way in which the system “chess” makes the system “war”, “war” simplify “politics.” In fact, the war is just one of the private, not the most effective and, …

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