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Perfumers created the “space” perfume

Парфюмеры создали «космические» духиCreated a perfume based on the smell of the comet.

The Aroma Company created a perfume based on the smell of comet 67P/Churyumov — Gerasimenko, investigated the descent apparatus “Fily”.

Order fancy fragrance was made by the participants of the project “Rosetta”. The perfume came out quite unusual: the principal of his notes was the smell of cat urine, rotten eggs and almonds, which correspond to the odors of ammonia, hydrogen sulfide and hydrogen cyanide, the most common on the outer body odorants.

It should be noted that the comet is more typical of less odorous substances, such as water vapor and oxides of carbon.

To test the aroma of the comet was not reconstructed directly, as certain substances are poisonous to humans. First tried the novelty was overwhelmed with an unpleasant odor, but was able to continue to detect it even floral notes.

It is expected that the version of the aroma that will spread further, will be even less pronounced odor.

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