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People have been accused of the destruction of the hobbits

Людей обвинили в уничтожении хоббитовThe bones of “hobbits” discovered for the first time in 2003 in the cave of Liang Bua.

The main reason for the extinction of the “hobbits” (the dwarf hominids from the island of Flores rise of one meter and the volume of the brain as a chimpanzee) named by ancient people. The corresponding hypothesis was presented at the annual meeting of the European society for the study of human evolution European Society for the Study of Human Evolution).

As evidence that Homo sapiens has destroyed Homo floresiensis researchers led teeth first. They were discovered in the same cave on Flores island (Indonesia), where for the first time, and found “the hobbit.”

The age of the found remains is 46 thousand years. Thus, the ancient people could pay a visit to the cave and deal with “the hobbit.” The researchers insist that Homo sapiens actively competed with Homo floresiensis for survival on the island of Flores and in the end destroyed the last one.

The bones of “hobbits” discovered for the first time in 2003 in the cave of Liang Bua. The skeletons of different degree of safety originally dated 13-95 thousands of years (in 2016, the adjusted estimate: 60-100 thousand years). The most important was incomplete skeleton of an adult female is very short, which included a skull, lower jaw and most teeth. He allowed us to reconstruct the appearance of the women of”the hobbit” (it was called Flo). Together with the bones, scientists found stone tools, burned bones of Komodo dragons and stegodons.

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