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Optimal for cancer prevention physical activity

Определена оптимальная для предотвращения рака физическая нагрузка

Doctors from the UK and the USA spoke about the degree of physical exertion, which is necessary for the prevention of 13 common types of cancer. Devoted to the study published in the journal JAMA Internal Medicine, briefly about it, reports The Telegraph.

To reduce the possibility of developing cancer will help moderate exercise. The latter includes Cycling and Hiking. These loads allow a 27 percent reduction in the risk of developing liver cancer, 26 and 23 lung — kidney.

On average, exercise reduces the risk of developing cancer by seven percent. We are talking about prevention of leukemia, cancer of the colon and rectum, head and neck, bladder, breast, endometrial carcinoma and myeloid leukemia.

The results obtained by scientists independent of body mass index, and addiction to Smoking respondents. According to the authors, their study demonstrates the need for systematic physical exercises which are healthy and do not require significant effort.

To such conclusions scientists have come, having conducted a meta-analysis of research results obtained in the period from 1987 to 2004. Doctors compared the levels of physical activity of about 1.4 million people from the EU and the United States with a frequency of occurrence in them of 26 types of cancer.

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