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On the planet there are places, which are not affected by humanity

На планете не осталось мест, на которые не влияет человечествоOn Earth all the places that aren’t affected by people.

In the world there is not one place that would not affect the development of mankind.

Scientists said that on Earth there is not one place, which in any way would not affect the development of mankind.

The scientists ‘ conclusions were made on the basis of data collected over 30 years of archaeological excavations and new studies of ancient DNA, reports Science Alert. The researchers found that the intense human impact on the environment did not begin after the technological and social changes that occurred during the Industrial revolution, but thousands of years before it, in the era of the late Pleistocene, approximately 195 thousand years ago.

According to researchers, the most notable result of the human influence was the sharp decline in megafauna that occurred 50-100 thousand years ago. The development of agriculture led to “an unprecedented and long-lasting effects on the distribution of species of animals and plants. The effect does not always lead to the disappearance of species.

Thus, the number of domesticated animals such as dogs, sheep, goats or chickens, on the contrary only grows. The researchers emphasize that simply colonizing new land or raising animals for food, people have influenced all corners of the planet

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