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On the Kamchatka Peninsula have discovered a sensational find

На Камчатке обнаружили сенсационную находкуArchaeologists have found a mechanism by age 400 million years.

St. Petersburg archaeologists found the fossils of Kamchatka, which turned parts of the mechanism.

According to conservative estimates, found the parts for about 400 million years.

On view are hundreds of fossilized toothed cylinders. According to archaeologists, they were in perfect condition as if they were frozen for a short period of time.

Russian archaeologists have shared the results with colleagues from the USA, and they confirmed that the fossils do, apparently, are the components of the machine.

Experts believe that the mechanism could persist for so long a time, “zakonservirovat”, for example, in a swamp. In favor of this assumption speaks the fact that the objects turned into fossils over a relatively short geological scale of time.

No one, even the wildest, hypothesis about the age of humanity is not “assigns” the man on the Ground as “long life.” Scientists have suggested that the mechanism may be of extraterrestrial origin.

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