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On Saturn’s moon might have an ocean

На спутнике Сатурна, возможно, есть океанA similar glow had noticed before another moon of Saturn – Enceladus.

Space Agency NASA on the surface of the satellite of the planet Saturn dione has found an unknown illumination, which may be the ocean.

Image unique education at one of the moons managed to get with the help of the Hubble telescope.

Experts believe that the glow on the satellite may be a sign of the existence of the ocean is not it, so water in a liquid state. Although this hypothesis has not been confirmed. Its opponents claim that this can not be due to far distances of Saturn and its moons from the main luminary of our Galaxy – the Sun.

But some of the material located on the surface of dione can be evidence of the existence of the satellite is not only water, but such earthly minerals like potassium and salt deposits. The researchers plan to continue studying the mysterious celestial object in orbit of Saturn.

A strange glow on the surface of dione, the scientists saw in 2014. But most of the researchers believed that this nebula and that is why to study it. But the white spot, they found, can have different nature, the origin of which they will find out.

By the way, before the same glow, the scientists found on the surface of another satellite of the planet Enceladus. But then they mistakenly took for the ocean the accumulation of limestone.

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