Home / Incredible / On Saturn’s moon dione discovered glow, like the ocean

On Saturn’s moon dione discovered glow, like the ocean

На спутнике Сатурна Дионе обнаружено свечение, похожее на океан Opening managed to do with the help of special probe Cassini–Huygens.

Space Agency NASA found on the moon of Saturn dione abnormal glow, which can be a symptom of an active ocean underneath the surface of the satellite.

Opening managed to do with the help of special probe Cassini–Huygens. The representative of the project Cassini Bonnie Buratti said that the scientists were able to obtain more detailed images of the moon dione, which confirm the hypothesis about the liquid ocean under the icy crust of the satellite. The astronomer believes that the information shows the similarity of the dione with the sixth satellite of Saturn – Enceladus.

In that case, if the existence of a subsurface ocean is confirmed, this will increase the chances of dione as the source of life in the Solar system. The Cassini project is aimed at comprehensively studying the planet Saturn and its satellites. In particular, received in 2014 the images of a “huge bright spot was seen by scientists as proof of the existence of water on the moon dione, or such materials as potassium.

Astronomers took two years to carefully examine the data.

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