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On Saturn’s moon discovered methane river

На спутнике Сатурна обнаружены метановые рекиCanyons of Titan are filled with methane, has about kilometers wide and 570 meters deep.

Scientists were able to confirm the existence on Titan of a system of canyons filled with liquid hydrocarbons.

Thanks to the Cassini spacecraft scientists were able to examine the channels View (Vid Flumina), located near the sea Ligai. Previously it was assumed that they may be filled with fluid, but the evidence was not. Now scientists have found that some of them are canyons filled with liquid hydrocarbons.

The canyons consist of less than a kilometer in width, and the angle of the slopes is about 40 degrees. The depth of the canyons varies from 240 to 570 meters.

Titanium is characterized by the extreme conditions. There are rivers and seas, but they mainly consist of hydrocarbons such as methane and ethane. However, scientists find the mere fact of their existence is amazing.

“The ground is warm and rocky, with rivers of water, and Titan cold with rivers of methane – says member of the research team, Cassini, Alex, Hawes. And yet it is striking that between the worlds there are some similarities.”

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