Home / Business / No more rock ‘ n ‘ roll: Alena Vodonaeva refused harmful habits

No more rock ‘ n ‘ roll: Alena Vodonaeva refused harmful habits


Ex-participant reality show “House-2” Alena Vodonaeva decided to radically change my lifestyle. About his decision, the star told in Instagram.

As it turned out, Alain was going to permanently abandon harmful food. Now the TV will never have sugar and all those items which it contains!

“I often eat Breakfast porridge on water and add to jam. But since now I decided to fight Kharasaveiskoye within flashmob, and he was expelled. Jam you can replace the fresh berries. They also have sugar, but not so much” , — wrote Vodonaeva (Spelling and punctuation authors hereinafter. — Approx. ed.).


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Do not forget the star and to justify its decision: “You know that sugar in excess greatly increases the risk of developing diseases of the cardiovascular system?! And the tooth due to the large consumption of sugar is a metabolic disorder and it is very weakens the immune system. Also sugar is bad for the skin: it promotes premature aging and worsens its properties, which leads to loss of elasticity. Can pimples, worsening complexion. Actually that’s not all the bad effects of excessive sugar consumption, but for the first time enough.”

Fans were horrified from such details, many have also promised to reconsider its attitude to harmful products.

Meanwhile, the newly appointed Alain Vodonaeva wedding date, despite a quarrel with her lover.

Алена Водонаева и Антон Коротков готовятся к свадьбе

Алена уже была замужем за бизнесменом Алексеем Малакеевым

От бывшего мужа у Водонаевой есть сын Богдан

Алена Водонаева

Антон Коротков и Алена Водонаева Фото: instagram.com

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