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Nine rules for supporting immunity in fall

Девять правил поддержки иммунитета осеньюSimple ways to prevent colds.

How to survive the cold without colds, bronchitis and sore throats? Take care of strengthening of protective forces of an organism. A strong immune system will become a reliable shield against viruses and bacteria.

1. Eat right

Abandon exhausting diets and certainly forget about the hunger. A balanced diet rich in all essential vitamins, minerals and trace elements, is the main condition of health.

2. Discipline yourself

We live in a constant time trouble, but you need to learn how to organize your day to avoid unnecessary stress and overwork. To do without undermining health, help rules of time management. Take them on Board.

3. Rest and sleep

Proper sleep is of great importance for the immune system. Remember, the most valuable to the recovery of the body, are considered hours of ten in the evening until two in the morning.

4. Do sports

Physical exercise is an excellent prevention of colds and sore throats. If it is not possible to register in sports section or in the fitness club, just do a morning or evening exercises. Let it be the simplest exercise. The main thing that they were regular.

5. Walk in the fresh air

A walk in the Park with family, friend, loved one or alone with your thoughts is a great way to relax and gain strength. Ideally, if you have the opportunity to play sports outdoors. So the body gets twice as much oxygen.

6. Get yourself fit!

Methods of hardening there are many. The most gentle and available are: washing with cold water, alternating foot alternately pouring hot and cold water, shared cold shower, dousing with cold water, rubbing a cool wet towel. Choose methods that are best suited to you, and take them regularly.

7. Wet air

Warm and dry air promotes the drying of the mucosa of the nasopharynx, which begin to multiply viruses and bacteria. Buy a humidifier and regularly ventilated room. It is recommended to adhere the afternoon the air temperature 18-22 degrees, and at night 16-20 ° C at 40-70 % humidity.

8. More smile!

A positive mental attitude is extremely important for health. It strengthens the immune system, good mood and confidence.

9. Properly bit you

Competent treatment is also a kind of prevention of recurrent disease. Frequent tonsillitis, for example, choosing medication, pay attention to the fact that it not only relieves pain in the throat, but also eliminate inflammation and prevent recurrent sore throats.

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