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Sore throat: causes and treatments

Боль в горле: причины и способы леченияThe best recipes for a sore throat.

Throat starts to hurt sharply and immediately it hurts to swallow the whole group.

This is a common symptoms of cold that you can mitigate using traditional methods.

Not always a sore throat can relieve through rinsing and intake of antiviral medications. Unpleasant sensations in the nose and throat may indicate the development of many diseases and are the first sign of active reproduction of pathogenic bacteria and viruses.

In case of prolonged pain in the throat on the background of elevated temperature, weakness, congestion of the nasal passage, the question of how to get rid of sore throat can be answered only by a doctor after ascertaining the reasons. Struggling with the sore and pain in the nose and throat special drinks that have antibacterial and analgesic properties.

We consider in this article how to get rid of a sore throat and what methods will help remove the inflammation.

The cause of the inflammatory process in the throat

In General, the causes of soreness of the throat are getting bacterial or viral infections in the respiratory tract.

Among the viral diseases are: SARS, influenza, pharyngitis. Signs of disease of viral nature are also sore throat fever starts runny nose, aching all over the body. In addition to medical drugs, aimed at lowering the temperature and anti-virus, you can use natural drinks and liquids for gargling.

As for bacterial infections, symptoms were much richer and worse every day. Therefore, the main drugs that can tame the bacteria that are antibacterial drugs, or antibiotics. Also, you can resort to recipes of organic beverages to reduce the symptoms of the disease.

Another reason for sore throat:

inhalation of tobacco smoke;
breathing only through my mouth (when a stuffy nose);
the penetration of gastric juice into the esophagus, heartburn;
Allergy symptoms diseases – rhinitis;
too dry air in the room;
strain the vocal chords (screaming, chronic cough, singing);
lesion of the tonsils (infection);
the presence of a tumor in the throat or nasal passage;
the growth of nasal polyps.

How to get rid of sore throat: 3 recipe drinks

For anybody not a secret that there are a number of spices, is able to remove viruses and bacteria from the mucous membrane and ease the pain for a few hours, thus, to gradually reduce the inflammation in the throat.
3 recipe that will tell you how to get rid of sore throat:

Recipe No. 1 – Tea with spices

¼ Teaspoon turmeric (ground);
½ Teaspoon ginger (ground);
1 teaspoon of lemon juice;
1 pinch of cinnamon;
½ Teaspoon honey (may);
½ Tablespoons Apple cider vinegar;
1 Cup of warm boiled water.

How to prepare: mix all ingredients and take inside.

Spices will help to reduce swelling and eliminate viruses and bacteria, to numb the throat for a few hours. The honey soothes the mucous membranes and reduces irritation (assuming no Allergy to this ingredient). The water should be warm, not hot, not cold. This tea can be taken as a prevention of colds, it acts as a tonic for the immune system.

Recipe No. 2 – Drink with pineapple

1 Cup pineapple juice (fresh, not canned);
1 pinch of Cayenne pepper;
1 teaspoon of honey;
½ Tbsp Apple cider vinegar.
How to prepare: mix all ingredients, heat and drink as a normal tea.
Pineapple juice can reduce inflammation and soothe the mucous membrane.

Honey and Cayenne pepper kill microbes and prevent the growth of pathogenic viruses. Cayenne pepper warms and improves protective functions of the body.

Recipe number 3 – Healing smoothies

1 pinch of turmeric (ground);
2.5 cm ginger (whole);
1-2 pinches of Cayenne pepper;
1 lemon (small);
1 drop of peppermint extract.

How to cook: lemon and ginger mix in a blender until smooth; add the spices and dilute by half with water, mix again.

Turmeric is a great remedy that fights bacteria and destroys them, also reduces swelling and inflammation. Ginger warms, promotes the excretion of mucus from the bronchi. Vitamin C in the composition of the lemon enhances the protective functions of the body.

Popular drink recipes will tell you how to get rid of a sore throat, like swelling of the mucous in the nose, strengthen the immune system and provide the body with all the necessary components for a successful fight against disease.

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