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Autumn season: how to protect yourself from cold and flu

Осенний сезон: как защитить себя от ОРВИ и гриппаWith the onset of autumn and the cold snap instantly increases the number of patients with colds.

Cold at home used to call all acute respiratory illness. To protect yourself from these diseases, doctors advise to observe some simple guidelines.

Cold, disease and cold – hypothermia

Cold can be the result of hypothermia, which can lead to the development of disease: the conditions under which bacteria in the body begin to proliferate and provoke the development of acute respiratory infections (ARI). The result is hypothermia occurs disease caused by a dysfunction of the mucous membranes in the respiratory tract, reducing local immunity.

As a result of lower local immunity aktiviziruyutsya bacteria, and inflammation develops. Colds, as a disease, “declares” about inflammation of a certain area in the respiratory tract, originating under certain conditions: reduced local immunity and the presence of an infection in the respiratory tract.

Protective reaction of the body may undermine not only hypothermia, but excessive exercise, frequent exposure to drafts. SARS and the flu is a viral infection, however, not every person in the body which gets the virus gets sick. The stronger your immunity, the higher the chance to avoid the coughing, runny nose and other “charms” of ARI.

To strengthen the immune system can be as specific methods of prevention – medical drugs or herbal, and eat certain foods. Ginger root, citrus (don’t overuse them if you are prone to allergic reactions), cabbage, pumpkin and a number of other “autumn” of products will help your body better resist the cold.

During periods of epidemic SARS less contact with people

Viruses, which provoke the development of SARS, resistant to the effects of the environment and quickly die. However, they can quickly spread from sick people to healthy people. The person who looks healthy may be a carrier of the infection and infect others.

During the “flu season”, we can repeatedly get sick again because people who have had SARS or a flu not receive lifetime immunity to infectious disease data. If you have the option less likely to be in areas with large concentrations of people, when “raging” SARS, then take advantage of this opportunity. This is especially true for enclosed spaces.

The flu shot is not a panacea

Immunization against influenza increase the body’s resistance to viruses, but a 100% guarantee of security will not give. If you decide to get vaccinated, it is important to remember that to introduce the vaccine should be 1-1. 5 months before the start of mass disease, and not a week before the epidemic or in her swing. Before immunization necessarily need to see a therapist (for children – pediatrician). To introduce the vaccine to the patient the patient should. It is also important to know whether you have contraindications for immunization.

Practice good hygiene at home and at work

Some people in the period of acute respiratory illnesses literally “sleeping” in a medical mask. In vain, because the mask must be disinfected or changed at least once per hour – otherwise you are even more at risk. A better mask to wear when caring for a sick patient or very sick, when he is forced, for example, to visit the clinic for consultation with doctor.

Try not to RUB your hands nose and eyes, hands should be washed with detergent as often as possible. Do not forget to regularly ventilate the room, do wet cleaning, if there is a UV lamp disinfect the air ( don’t forget only during the period of operation of the apparatus to leave the room).

Remember that cleaners and humidifiers – your loyal aides in the prevention of SARS. Don’t forget only time to change the filter in the air conditioner. Dress for the weather, not to hypothermia and timely treat chronic diseases, which can become a breeding ground of infection in the body.

If you do get sick, you do not carry the disease on their feet in order to avoid complications, call your doctor, drink plenty of fluids and rest.

Natural spices and hot spices protect the body from viruses

Almost all hot and spicy natural spices have a positive effect on the immune system. Red and black pepper, cloves, coriander, rosemary strengthen the immune system, help the body warm up faster and digest your food (which is especially important for those who are watching their weight). Well, record on combating flu and other viruses, garlic. It contains the natural antibiotic allicin, which effectively combats pathogenic bacteria and viruses and also helps prevent complications of the disease. The main drawback of this “medicine” – pungent odor, is because it daily, of course, does not work.

By the way, due to the lack of sunlight in autumn and winter period in the body significantly reduced the concentration of vitamin D, which also negatively affects the immune system. To fill it will help the marine fish, especially salmon, mackerel, herring, and vegetable oil, especially Flaxseed, sunflower, pumpkin and olive, said the doctor, Victoria Savitskaya.

Fruits bright colors and honey will protect the body and lift your spirits

The reduction of daylight and changes in temperature not only weaken the immune system but also have a negative impact on our mental state. And this, in turn, also negatively affects the health and disease resistance.

As you know, perfectly uplifting sweet products. But with the onset of cold people who tend to be overweight, is hard to limit yourself to sweets and cakes, because the extra pounds in the cold season are laid much faster, and get rid of them is difficult. But to deny yourself of natural vitamin sweets, fruit, berries and honey – not worth it, especially because it is a wonderful protection for the body from the flu and SARS.

Fruit and honey, both in pure form and in the form of salads, baked, drizzled with yogurt, or etc. – not only will fill the body’s need for glucose, get rid of obsessive desire to eat a piece of chocolate, but also strengthen the immune system.

It is important to remember that honey with tea and other hot drinks can only be consumed “bit of sugar”. If you put a spoonful of honey in hot water, it will lose its beneficial properties. Very tasty to combine honey with apples or cottage cheese.

“I recommend every day to eat at least 3-4 fruits, preferably different. Due to the abundance of minerals and vitamins, they nourish our body, give strength, improve mood and eliminate harmful substances from the body. Do not forget about the need to have daily vegetables and greens, fortunately now have a very wide selection, and they are still quite expensive,” said Savitskaya.

Doctors recommend daily to eat at least 500 grams of vegetables and fruits. And don’t forget the greens. The most useful fruits and vegetables – seasonal.

Citrus – lemons, tangerines and oranges – rich in vitamin C and flavonoids, which enhance the antioxidant effect, but not everyone can afford to feed my family daily, including fruit. Because to fill the need for vitamin C with extracts of rose hips, berries, apples and sauerkraut. In the latter, by the way, this vitamin is much more than in lemons.

Don’t forget about the cranberry and grapefruit – they nourish the body with vitamins, protect from many diseases and even normalize heart function, due to the high content of lycopene and ellagic acid.

All vegetables and fruit orange – persimmon, pumpkin, carrots – contain, inter alia, beta-carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein, quercetin and other substances that are converted to vitamin A.

All brightly coloured fruit and vegetables such as broccoli, tomatoes and onions, contain quercetin, which is known for its anti-inflammatory properties and helps the body to produce antibodies to the virus.

The body will protect dairy products and wholegrain cereals

In protecting the body from seasonal viruses and diseases play a huge role dairy products and natural whole grain cereals.
Indispensable in the struggle for health in the offseason are dairy products. They have a positive effect on the gastrointestinal tract, and it largely depends on our immunity. Modern physicians, based on data from numerous studies, it is recommended to drink kefir or “live” yogurt to protect yourself from illness and in the recovery period, if you still got the virus.

“It’s proven that probiotics reduce the symptoms of flu: fever, cough and runny nose. But, it is important to remember that not all dairy products are equally beneficial. Therefore always carefully read labels and pay attention to the expiration date. Remember: the shorter it is, there product is “natural.” If you have the opportunity to skachivat kefir or yogurt – better to put that time and effort,” advises the doctor Victoria Savitskaya.

The expert complains that the talk about strengthening the immune system and protect against seasonal ailments rarely referred to natural cereal. Although this is a great source of vitamins and minerals, especially selenium and zinc, which are very few in other products. But it is worth remembering that this was only true for cereals from whole grains. In addition, in these products a lot of fiber, which helps to gently cleanse the body and improves resistance to diseases. The most pronounced anti-influenza properties are oatmeal and barley.

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