Home / Science and technology / New photoshop will be able to finish the portion of the photo

New photoshop will be able to finish the portion of the photo

Новый фотошоп сможет дорисовывать фрагменты фотоThe new Adobe Photoshop will appear a lot of cool features.

In the near future a new version of the graphic editor Adobe Photoshop, which will have a new auto show images with known content.

About it, Adobe said in its official Twitter account.

A new feature is to fill empty areas in your photo. Usually after the user in the editor turned the image appear empty fields. Their size depends on the rotation angle. After cropping the photo, these fields are removed from the final version of the image. However, this approach has a significant disadvantage: in the frame may not fit all items are from original photos.

To enable a new function, you need to activate the Crop tool settings Content-Aware. After this, the image editor itself will complete the picture to specified dimensions.

Новый фотошоп сможет дорисовывать фрагменты фото

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