Home / Incredible / Natural phenomenon in the Pacific ocean that affect weather calmed down

Natural phenomenon in the Pacific ocean that affect weather calmed down

Природный феномен в Тихом океане, влияющий на погоду,  успокоилсяMeteorologists after a number of studies have confirmed that in the Pacific ocean eroding the phenomenon of El niño.

The phenomenon is the change in temperature of the upper layer water in the Equatorial Pacific ocean that strongly affects the weather.

A cycle and manifests itself in the global deviations from the usual cycle in the atmosphere and ocean. Its indicator is the positive anomaly of ocean temperature in the Central and Eastern tropical zone. Opposed to El niño in the nature of La Nina, characterized by unusually cold water in the same region of the ocean.

These two natural phenomena that affect climate worldwide. Since 2000 throughout the planet’s average temperature has been increasing steadily. Most of all this year heat stir in the Arctic. Then began the premature melting of ice.

Scientists say that carbon dioxide on the planet is becoming more. Changes associated with increasing CO2 content, is not going anywhere. So, there will be more tropical cyclones, heavy rains and intense heat. One of the main reasons the heat in 2016 this is the strongest El niño 2015 (40%), but the main cause of global warming is still anthropogenic pollution of the earth and greenhouse gases.

To date, researchers the world meteorological organization claim that the phenomenon of El niño in the Pacific came to naught.

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