Home / Incredible / NASA is developing a device for direct dialogue with the aliens

NASA is developing a device for direct dialogue with the aliens

NASA разрабатывает прибор для прямого диалога с инопланетянамиA number of scientists believes that aliens are in communication without sounds, through gestures or telepathy.

Experts believe that understanding the aliens is key if humanity is to meet them.

Scientists from NASA spoke about the development of a new instrument able to analyze the actions of organisms from other planets and transform them into understandable human words and gestures.

Scientists claim that at a meeting of civilizations the most important thing is understanding. Since the probability that the aliens communicate the same way as we are very small, the necessary device that will help you understand them. Scientists in NASA believe that aliens, like humans, communicate using sounds, however, it is highly likely that their hearing is able to perceive a different range, some believe that “little green men” absolutely don’t use sounds when communicating, and it happens silently. A separate group of scientists skeptical to this kind of research.

Aliens can also use the energy, gestures or any other method to transmit information. Because the creation of the translator is already under development.

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