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Named the unique properties of omega-3 fatty acids

Названы уникальные свойства Омега-3 жирных кислотPhysicians share important information about fatty acids omega-3 and benefits that they are able to assist the human body.

The fact that omega 3 is useful stuff to know everything. But what properties these fatty acids have and the impact they can have on a figure that almost nobody knows, except those people who are from the youth care for their health and aim to live at least 100 years.

Contains fatty acids omega-3 in salmon and other varieties of oily fish, seafood, cod liver, nuts, flax seeds, certain vegetable oils and so on.

A unique set of properties of omega-3:

1. Warn of premature aging of the skin and the whole body, including the brain. That is, people who regularly consume foods rich in omega-3, will age both externally and internally, much later than their peers.

2. Care about intelligence in early childhood. Women who during pregnancy and breastfeeding eat food, having in its composition of omega-3, provide native child of a high level of intelligence. These children bring only high scores from school, quickly remember and learn new information.

3. Protect the cores. People suffering from certain diseases of the heart and blood vessels, is vital to consume foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, because they protect them from complications and sudden death.

4. A sedative effect. Food with omega-3 acts as certain antidepressants without pills relieves people from depression and helps you to positive charge.

5. Do not give to go blind. Especially, omega-3 beneficial for the elderly, because they have physiologically reduced vision, mental development stops, and fatty acids will help to prevent the development of these irreversible processes.

6. Allow you to effectively lose weight. The fact is that omega 3, though fatty acids, but they do not belong to the category of those fats, which are deposited on the sides. On the day the person is supposed to consume a particular amount of fat, so it is better that these fats were omega-3.

7. Prevent the appearance of cellulite. The cells are saturated in omega-3 and therefore the upper layer of the skin becomes more elastic, soft, moisturized and so on. Regular consumption of food with omega-3 will save you from the possibility to get cellulite.

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