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These products prolong youthfulness of your skin

Эти продукты продлят молодость вашей кожиPresenting 10 foods for youthful skin and prevent wrinkles.

If you take care of your skin in all possible ways and want as much as possible to stay beautiful and healthy, we offer you to look at your diet.

There is nothing better than to contribute to the beauty of skin from within. Foods rich with nutrients can be your best allies to achieve his goals.

Presenting 10 foods for youthful skin and prevent wrinkles.

1. Cherry, pomegranate, blueberry

These foods are good sources of antioxidants, which prevent damage to collagen. And vitamin C present in these fruits, helps maintain healthy looking skin.

2. Tea

Tea, especially green is also rich in antioxidants. As you know, their main function is to fight free radicals. But this is happening inside and outside your skin becomes radiant, young, fresh and smooth, if you drink tea regularly. For best effect, try to give up coffee, and you will soon see all the benefits.

3. Carrots, peaches, apricots

Is the following products for youthful skin in our list. Lines and wrinkles, dry flaky skin are part of the aging process. A good source of retinol which helps in cell renewal of the skin cells is a vitamin a and beta-carotene. It prevents dryness, flaking and the formation of wrinkles. Beta-carotene in most cases you can find in orange fruits and vegetables.

4. Tomatoes

Everyone knows that tomatoes are rich in lycopene. So this antioxidant prevents skin damage from UV rays, which is crucial for maintaining youth and beauty.

5. Spinach

It is also a useful product for youthful skin and often too underestimated. Spinach is rich in vitamins and minerals, particularly magnesium and folic acid. These advantages make it ideal for repairing damaged cells and fighting wrinkles from the inside.

6. Nuts

Nuts products for youth magisterial healthy fats, vitamin E, calcium and magnesium which improve blood circulation and help the skin to remain smooth and elastic.

7. Avocado

Avocados are a good source of vitamin E, which is so important for the skin. In addition, in this product the high content of glutathione, a substance that detoxifies the liver and the skin and fights the signs of aging.

8. Fish

Fish is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are not just good for your heart, but for the health of the skin. Their effect is to moisturize the skin and prevent dryness. The best sources of omega-3 fatty acids are sardines and salmon.

9. Water

products for youth korigova about products for youthful skin, it is impossible to remain silent about the water, because it is a real source of beauty. If the body does not receive enough water, the skin becomes dehydrated, hard, and fills up wrinkles. Water not only hydrates the skin but also eliminates waste products and toxic substances through the kidneys, helping the skin to give a healthy look.

10. Grapes

If you have dry skin, then to save the situation will help the grapes. It is rich in vitamins A, C, E, beta-carotene and many minerals and trace elements that help the skin become soft and tender. The grapes also contain a lot of liquid that prevents the formation of wrinkles.

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