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Doctors dispel common myths about cellulite

Медики развеяли распространенные мифы о целлюлитеThey believe the majority of women.

It is time to talk about the myths associated with “female” problem of cellulite. Around these myths, there are ongoing disputes: someone believes in it, and someone – no. Today we tell, what exactly to believe.

Sad as it may sound, but according to statistics, about 90% of the women in the world have cellulite. And although each of us knows a million ways to get rid of it, understand why it happens and whether we can get rid of it, not hurt. We offer you to familiarize yourself with the myths in which we believe most often. And cease to believe it, of course.

Myth 1. Cellulite is only for fat people. Not true. Cellulite is an inflammation of the subcutaneous tissue: fat is distributed unevenly in the subcutaneous layer and leads to a disturbance of microcirculation, which in turn leads to stagnation in adipose tissue. Cellulite can appear even in adolescence. Thin people are exposed to the same risk of the formation of cellulite as the full girls.

The extra weight can actually make cellulite more noticeable. But also a cellulite is formed due to the aging of skin cells, is influenced by genetics, weight fluctuations and even harmful sun rays. Therefore, cellulite can occur in women of all shapes and sizes.

Myth 2. Weight loss leads to the disappearance of cellulite. Did you know that the constant jumps in weight is one of the main causes of cellulite? Any diet that leads to rapid weight loss, have the worst effect on the skin. They do not beduck the disappearance of cellulite, but rather make it more noticeable.

The fact is that due to the rapid weight loss, the skin loses elasticity and becomes flabby, so cellulite becomes more noticeable only.

Myth 3. Cardio is the best cure of cellulite. Let’s face it. Running and other forms of cardio can help to lose weight. But to really smooth your skin and reduce the appearance of “orange peel” you also need strength training.

Recently, researchers of Massachusetts conducted an experiment in the course provides revealed that a group of adults who each took a week of 30 minutes aerobic downloads, for 8 weeks, lost 4 lb (1.8 kg), but did not increase their muscle mass, only slightly improving the appearance of the body. And when they to 15 minute aerobic download added same force and trained 3 times a week, they lost 10 pounds (4.5 kg) and gained 2 pounds of muscle (0.9 kilograms). Participants noted that their body has significantly tightened, and the skin razgladili and became more elastic.

Myth 4. Liposuction gets rid of cellulite 100%.. This is a myth, because liposuction does not solve the problem of “orange peel”. Moreover, this cosmetic procedure can cause fat to be distributed unevenly and the problem will become more noticeable than it was before.

Another popular procedure, vacuum massage. Unlike liposuction, it requires no surgical intervention. This massage gives the desired effect, but you need to attend at least 10 sessions, each of which costs a lot of money.

Myth 5. There is a miracle cream that eliminates cellulite. It sounds cool, isn’t it? Actually, it’s a good trick of the marketing, because no matter what cream you are struck, it will work, but only on the surface of the skin and the cellulite is something much deeper. The effect of the cream will be, and you even think that cellulite is fading away, but actually the cream just visually smooth the surface of your skin.

Usually, creams for cellulite contain caffeine or alternative ingredient, which temporarily tightens the skin to reduce the appearance of cellulite, but you did not get rid of it.

Now you know what the myths about cellulite you should not believe. The only formula that really gets rid of cellulite –sport, proper nutrition and proper care of the problem area. Follow it and you will forget about what “orange peel”.

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