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Named the time the first waves after the merger of black holes

Названо время появления первых волн после слияния черных дырGravitational waves are formed after 10 million years after the merger of galaxies.

An international team of astrophysicists have calculated the time of appearance of the first gravitational waves from merging pairs of galaxies in the centers of which Harbor supermassive black holes.

Devoted to a study published in The Astrophysical Journal, briefly about it, reports the University of Zurich.

If two galaxies collide, containing Central supermassive black holes, which are about one hundred million times heavier than the Sun, the first gravitational waves will occur in about ten million years after the merger objects. In the work of the scientists the age of the star clusters were estimated in three billion years.

To his conclusions astrophysics came, after modeling the collision of galaxies. The calculations were carried out during the year on the supercomputers in China, Switzerland and Germany. Previously, scientists believed that the collision of supermassive black holes will lead to the emergence of a strong gravitational wave is only approximately a billion years after the collision of galaxies.

Supermassive black hole at least a hundred thousand times heavier than the Sun. As a rule, most active centers of large galaxies are objects. According to scientists, they have a decisive influence on the evolution of large stellar systems.

Gravitational waves are perturbations of space-time predicted by the General theory of relativity. They were first registered from the collision of two black holes during observations carried out 26 December 2015.

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