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Named the main secrets of good sleep

Названы основные секреты хорошего снаHealthy sleep – the key to an energetic day.

In ancient times it was believed that during sleep it is possible to create the future.

Scientists largely agree: sleep refreshes and restores strength.

And according to how we sleep, it is possible to guess, will we be able to preserve youth and beauty.

Adjust the biological clock

At least a third of life we spend in sleep, and yet we often miss him. It is proven that women almost twice as often as men suffer from sleep disorders. The key to solving the problem – in the right rhythm of life.

Make sure sleep mode preschool children, the same is subject to natural rhythms and the life of an adult (it’s just that most of us no ability to follow them). Usually by mid-day there is a desire to take a NAP.

Scientists claim that a 15 minute NAP allows you to easily cope with fatigue and restore stamina. So short Siesta more beneficial than a long “otsypana” at the weekend.

How many hours we need to sleep? The majority is usually sufficient 7-8 hours, but some time you sleep in a shorter time. Most importantly – try every day to fall asleep and Wake up around the same time. The body becomes accustomed to this rhythm.

Surround yourself with an atmosphere of serenity

Clutter does not allow us to relax. So try to in the bedroom it was always in their places, and nothing reminded about work – no clothes, no computer, no work papers.

Do not try to showdown or problem solving in bed. This place should be free from any stress.

Be sure to ventilate the room in which you sleep. Ideally, the temperature in the bedroom should be around 16 degrees.

Unplug the phone in the bedroom every night and put mobile on silent mode.

Too bright colors of linens and walls can cause anxiety and to frighten the fragile sleep. So try to decorate the bedroom in neutral colour scheme – pale lilac, pink and cream shades.

Bright light, exactly the same as the sharp sound must not disturb the peace of the room where you sleep. However, quiet music and television for many is the most familiar sleep remedy.

Smells of lavender, cinnamon, rose and vanilla have a calming effect. Light in the bedroom, scented candles and aromakuritelnitsy. And let the smell do you associate only with comfort.

Prepare the body for rest

Follow figure: excess weight can cause sleep problems, difficulty breathing and night sweats.
Try every day to go out. Studies have shown that sunlight and fresh air promote sleep.

Do not forget about physical activity. Even the 20 minute charge is sufficient in order to stimulate the body. Easy fatigue occurs approximately 5 hours. So the ideal time for the gym – 5-6 PM.

If you can not find the time to exercise during the day, they may replace the evening walk or light housework before going to bed.

I can not get rid of the tension in the muscles? Try this yoga exercise: lie on your back with your feet slightly apart, feel the whole body. Feeling the tension, slightly tighten again and relax these muscles. Imagine your body weightless.

Refrain from late dinner

Caffeine increases the level of anxiety and has a stimulating property. A similar effect can last up to several hours. So after lunch try not to drink tea, coffee or cocoa.

Alcohol initially has a calming effect, but not conducive to sound sleep. In addition, alcohol is a diuretic and makes us once again up at night, but also contributes to dehydration. Consequently, to avoid wrinkling, do not abuse alcohol.

Cheese, potatoes, meat, nuts – too heavy food for the evening meal. It is better to give preference to fruits, grain bread or glass of warm milk.

Brew a soothing collection of herbs – Valerian, peppermint, yarrow and thyme. Drink one hour before bedtime.

Avoid very spicy or salty food for 4-5 hours before you sleep, it not only has a stimulating effect, but also provokes significant fluid retention in the body and as a consequence – the morning swelling on the face and body.

Green vegetables, seeds and chocolate promote relaxation and induce a sense of calm. But try to keep the night meals are not included do you have a habit.

Observe the evening rituals of beauty

Clean the face before going to bed, dirt and allocated skin fat night difficult to breath and epidermis renewal. This can cause inflammatory re – actions and swelling on the skin. So be sure to use cleansing milk and toner before bed.

The skin is particularly sensitive to active ingredients of creams in the period of time between midnight and 4 am. So be sure to use anti-aging or a hydrating night cream before going to bed.

Do not apply too much cream it can cause morning puffiness or irritation on the face.

A warm bath relaxes the muscles and helps to calm down after a hard day. A few drops of the aromatic oil of lavender or rose prepare us to sleep. Massage your face from the nose, chin and mid-forehead to the temples. Apply the cream on face and neck.

Massage the shoulders and waist. RUB the body with a warm towel. All this will help you to calm down and prepare for sleep. Do not ignore nightly beauty rituals. Cleansing and cream application should be defined by the signals and configure for relaxation.

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