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Named the best products to overcome depression

Названы лучшие продукты для преодоления депрессииTo get rid of depression helps diet.

Autumn depression usually occurs for three reasons. This decrease of daylight, the cold, and a sharp decrease in physical activity, being outdoors.

To balance these factors helps diet.

Let’s get one thing straight: under autumn depression we realize a bad mood, reduced efficiency, some irritability. But not a doctor’s diagnosis, which is a serious physiological disorders. Therefore, our advice – from the field of healthy lifestyle, some items of which are relevant right now in the fall. Autumn vegetables and fruits, of course, must be in the diet: watermelon and melon is a must. Watermelon magnesium, which helps in the prevention of depression, and the melon is a complex of substances that help serotonin (hormone of happiness).


Rather young beef. It has a lot of chromium, which helps nervous system to be sustainable, and endocrine – to produce the required amount of serotonin the “happy hormone”. A little smaller than the veal in this respect, Turkey and chicken breast. But from the point of view of excess weight is meat – perfect.
You are one of those vegetarians? Then lean on honey, onions, apples, bananas, tomatoes, carrots and oranges in these products, many of which are available not only in autumn but also in winter, also lots of chrome.


Tryptophan is another absolutely necessary for the synthesis of serotonin a substance. It can be found in cod, tuna, seafood. In order for tryptophan to be utilized as fully as possible, products containing it must be combined with whole grain cereals – complex carbohydrates.


Sunflower and pumpkin seeds – an excellent source, which also contribute to the production of serotonin. In addition to these products, to resist the autumn depression will also help Flaxseed oil, walnuts, greens. The positive impact of these products is due to the same high content of omega-3 fatty acids.


B vitamins are absolutely necessary for healthy nervous system. They are obligatory ingredient in the production of the happiness hormone serotonin. So don’t forget to include in their menu the same beef, hard cheese, yogurt, eggs, leafy greens, walnuts, almonds, legumes, cauliflower and Brussels sprouts.

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