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Named the most effective and healthy diets in the world

Названы самые эффективные и полезные диеты в миреThe rankings were compiled by Harley Pasternak.

In preparation for writing his bestselling book of 2010, “Five of the most effective world diet, The 5 Factor World Diet, personal trainer of celebrities and nutrition specialist Harley Pasternak (Harley Pasternak) traveled the country, whose population is on average healthier than the rest of the inhabitants of the planet. Pasternak wanted to find out what makes the food that you eat these people, so useful.

As said Pasternak in an interview with The Huffington Post, the important thing is that he realized the thing in a different way and pace of life than the one most people live in developed countries. First, all traditional diet based on local seasonal products.
Secondly, eating with them, as a rule, an event, associated with certain rituals. It can be a leisurely meal around the table when going to a big family, a glass or two of red wine during a long dinner and so on. Not a handful of cereal, hastily filled with milk and eaten standing over the sink, or suwandy on-the-go sandwich.

Of course, each of these diets has its own “chips” (for example, venison or green tea), but it is important to remember that the only true way to normalize weight and health is still there, as people in the world live very differently.

Here what are the characteristics of the most effective world diets said Pasternak in his book.

New Nordic diet

What it is
This diet was developed by Swedish scientists based on the traditional diet of the inhabitants of the Nordic countries — Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. A modified version of the diet called “new Nordic diet” and implies reduced by 35% the consumption of meat, with levels in the diet whole grain products and food of local origin increased. More than 75% of the products must be organic.

New Nordic diet, like the Mediterranean, focuses on fruits, vegetables, whole grains, eggs, vegetable oil and seafood. At the same time, meat, dairy products, desserts and alcohol appear in the diet only occasionally. In contrast to the Mediterranean, in the Nordic diet it is not about olive, and rapeseed oil, as a more traditional Northern countries.

Main products
Whole-grain cereals, such as oat and rye; local fruits and berries like dog-rose, cranberry, cranberries, blueberries; cruciferous vegetables and root vegetables — Brussels sprouts, broccoli, turnips, parsnips, beets; canola oil, margarine based on vegetable oils; low-fat dairy products.

Meat products — beef, pork, lamb and venison, seafood, herring, mackerel and salmon. As seasoning use parsley, dill, mustard, horseradish and onion.

In section a few desserts pastries based on oat bran and jam, which can flavor the cereal or porridge.
What the science says

The study, whose results are published in 2015 in The American journal of Clinical Nutrition showed that healthy Scandinavian type of food reduces the activity of genes responsible for the accumulation of adipose tissue in the abdomen.

This diet has also helped the study participants to lose weight and they have reduced the risk of developing type 2 diabetes. Scientists also point out the benefit of new Nordic diet to the ecology and economy of the region, as it implies a reduction in meat consumption and does not require importing products from distant countries.

The Mediterranean diet

What it is
Traditional food of the inhabitants of Greece, Italy and Spain, based on local seasonal products, as well as time-honored recipes and methods of cooking. Often a common meal the whole family or even the community.

Main products
In the spotlight — fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, nuts and olive oil; fish, chicken and red wine — on the sidelines, and red meat, salt and sugar on the third.

What the science says
The benefits of the Mediterranean diet began to be studied in 1970-ies. Scientists have found that this diet helps to lose weight and get rid of diabetes, reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease. The magazine U. S. News & World Report put the Mediterranean type of diet on the third place in its ranking of 38 of the best diets in the world and called it “eminently sensible”.

The traditional Okinawan diet

What it is
Low-calorie but nutritious diet based on fruits and vegetables, reduced consumption of meat, cleaned grains, sugar, salt and fatty dairy products. This diet is very specific historical context. It comes from the Japanese island of Okinawa, which until the Second World war was one of the poorest regions of the country. Therefore, in the traditional culture of the islanders has played a big role Confucian rule — every time to eat as much as you need to feel satiated only 80%, and also share food with a neighbor.

Main products
Sweet potatoes, rice (but in smaller quantities than its traditionally eaten in Japan), green leafy vegetables, green and yellow vegetables, such as Chinese bitter gourd, soybean products such as tofu and soy sauce. The Okinawans also consume food, lean meat, fruits and tea, but in moderation.

What the science says
The standard of living of the modern Okinawans are much higher than in the old days, which means the spread of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. However, the people who grew up on a traditional diet, is still alive and committed to its culinary habits. Maybe that’s why the island is one of the largest populations of centenarians in the world.

People who are over 100 years old, continue to lead an active way of life, slow aging and no disease. Some researchers suggest that a long healthy life provided them with a long practice of limiting caloric intake.

Traditional Asian diet

What it is
It’s not about any one diet, but about so-called “Asian food pyramid” described in the 1990-ies international group of nutritionists. The base of the pyramid are rice, noodles and whole grains, fruits, vegetables, legumes, seeds and nuts. Fish and shellfish while eating once a day, and eggs and chicken once a week. While red meat is practically absent — it can be eaten even less often (once a month) and in smaller quantities than sweets (once a week).

Main products
A model of power shared by the population of many Asian countries, and drink in this food to various local food, but the overall dish all one. It’s rice.

What the science says
In Asian countries, to a lesser extent than in the West, widespread obesity, cardiovascular disease and metabolic diseases such as diabetes. However, the growth of economic prosperity and massive urbanization leads to a gradual change in the pattern.

Thus, the traditional Chinese diet high in carbohydrates combined with a highly urbanized, sedentary modern Chinese creates a threat to the health of the population, the researchers from Harvard University.

French “paradoxical” diet

What it is
Scientists have long wondered — in France one of the lowest among developed countries levels of obesity and the greatest longevity. And this despite the caloric intake. What’s the matter?

Main products
Fat cheeses and yogurt, butter, white bread, chocolate are “cornerstones” of the traditional French diet.

What the science says
Some scientists believe that the so-called “French paradox” has more to do with lifestyle and not with what the French eat. For example, they walk a lot, never bite, eat slowly and small portions.

Other researchers believe that all the matter in moderate, but regular consumption of red wine and cheese. Pasternak advises in this case to pay attention to how the French eat, not on what they eat.

By the way, the technician still managed to find all the “healthy” cultures, into which he plunged, one common factor. Is walking. The people there walk a lot more than the average resident of a country with a less healthy population. “Regardless of what you eat, if someone passes in a day is four miles more than you, it will certainly be slimmer and live longer,” said Pasternak.

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