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Named habits that kill intelligence

Названы привычки, которые «убивают» интеллект7 ways to lower intelligence.

Our daily habits can lower intelligence.

Saturated fat

Chocolate, of course, raises the mood, but this snack is hard to adjust to work. The fact that foods that are high in fat and sugar cause significant damage to cognitive flexibility. The study was conducted on mice. Within four weeks the rodents were given food with high fat content. Scientists began to notice that in mice mental and physical activity beginning to suffer.

The simultaneous use of gadgets

As you watch the movie? Surely uninteresting moment switch the phone to check social networks. But you should know that simultaneous use of gadgets is harmful for intelligence. Neuroscientists have found that people who use multiple devices simultaneously have lower gray matter density in areas of the brain associated with cognitive and emotional control.

Search engines make you feel you are smarter than you really are

Without gadgets was difficult because to find the information, I had to go to the library to look for the right book, and then some. This is a great workout brain activity.

In the modern world it is enough to write a question into a search engine and the answer will appear in a second.


People with high blood sugar have more problems with memory. To such conclusion scientists have come. It is therefore not recommended to abuse this product, but you can look for natural substitutes like honey, dried fruit, stevia, etc.

Incorrect assessment of their knowledge

Psychologists have found that the more people think they know about the topic, the more likely they will claim that it is completely invented the facts are true.
That is why it is important to assess their knowledge.

A bad dream

Another reason to lower intelligence – not to sleep! After a sleepless night, attention and perseverance worse. Remember, healthy sleep – 7-8 hours!

Physical exhaustion

Fatigue brain triggers mental and Fizicheskii stress. Besides, scientists say that diet to the physical stress.

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