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Named foods that you can eat at night

Названы продукты, которые можно кушать на ночьWe know that at night is not recommended to eat, but often this sin and make snacks.

But, according to American nutritionist, it is possible to do without harm to health.

When it comes to the evening meal, many of us begin to experience mental suffering. First, because it is believed, though a late meal is sure to provoke weight gain. Second, there are studies claiming that with a full stomach to surrender to deep sleep impossible, and then the next morning has the risk of becoming evil. Well, to be honest, a night snack is often associated with the so-called food emotiogenic behavior, popularly known as the binding problem and fatigue. This is when you want to reward yourself for a hard day with something delicious, usually high-calorie and bad fat.

On the other hand, desperately muttering from starvation, the stomach is also not conducive to sleep. If and forgotten sounds of the morning still stand broken and hungry, and there to of overeating close. A vicious circle? I don’t think. Keep on hand snacks that are:

– safe for the figure,
– do not cause feelings of fullness,
and even help you sleep.

At least, so says the nutritionist from Philadelphia Janet Brill, and there is no reason not to believe her.

1. Cheese sticks

Yes, salty, but the portion of the snack contains enough protein and fat that you will quickly feel satiety, all in a measly 80 calories. “Tryptophan is an amino acid, hidden in cheese, helps to relax, so that gives you the ability to quickly doze off,” adds Janet Brill.

2. A bowl of whole grain cereal

Just no sugar — otherwise buck up, and at the same time, it may make pain in the stomach. Janet advises to pay attention to oatmeal or other whole grains — they are easy to find in any store. Add a little milk to give yourself a serving of protein and tryptophan —all of it is 200 calories.

3. Low-fat Greek yogurt

Not to be confused with skim! This piece of dairy delights contains 100-150 calories, and tryptophan and protein abound here. Besides, yogurt can soothe anxiety in the stomach, ensuring a perfect holiday.

4. A couple of slices of cooked Turkey breast

“A Turkey stuffed to the eyeballs with tryptophan, the white meat in a minimal amount of fat, but plenty of high quality protein,” notes Brill. A couple of pieces will draw on approximately 100 kcal.

5. Baby carrots (carrot fingers)

Crisp bright markovina quickly saturate, and do not contain grams of fat, and chew quite a long time. In General, the calorie content of portions tends to zero — 27-35 calories and enjoy a snack — to 10 points out of 10.

6. Bananas

A lot of fiber (quickly filled) and all of the same tryptophan. Each banana 100 kcal, and the kitchen, which is especially nice, no dirty dishes!

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